PPP and ESA: methodology in ELT

Selasa, 05 Juni 2012
Actually, the main differences between PP and ESA is in the sequences of procedures. PPP, which stands for Presentation, Practice, and Production, use straight line sequences. The procedure is sequently started by Presentation, Practice, and finished in Production.
In fact, human learning is not like that. It is more random and convoluted. 
In response to these criticisms, many people have offered variations on PPP and alternatives of it. Keith Johnson with his "deep-end strategy" (Johnson 1982), Donn Byrne, much the same thing, suggest "phases circle" (Byrne 1986:3) are some examples of expert's alternatives and variations of PPP. The trilogy of teaching sequence elements is ESA: Enganged, Study, and Activate (Harmer 2007: Chapter 4).
unlike PPP which only happens in a straight line, ESA is more flexible. Students and teacher can decide in which sequence thay will start. these are 3 basic procedure of ESA:
Engage, which more or less the same idea with presentation in PPP. Teacher introduce the material and engange student with the context.
Study, where students learn about the material and know new things from that.
and Activate, the stage where students reflect their comprehension about the subject by practicing.